
Welcome to oneclass! Your top of the board learning Management Systems, It is built to make teaching and learning easier for everyone, from the littlest learners to college faculty to business leaders. Learn more about how Canvas works with your institution.

about oneclass

oneclass is a learning management system. It was in the pandemic lockdown we all realize that the new normal is now online. education will never be the same again with COVID-19. It is in this light that the one-education project moved to put out a free learning management system for Nursey, Primary and Secondary Schools. But this free system is available only to schools who have done revalidation with the plateau state ministry of education (Basic and Secondary). So, basically what is a learning management systems?  

A learning management system (LMS) is a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement and assess a specific learning process. Typically, a learning management system provides an instructor with a way to create and deliver content, monitor student participation and assess student performance. It is simply providing education service delivery online.

Student and Teacher Apps

oneclass comes with a student-teacher application. This comes both in web and mobile format.

Exams and Assessment

On oneclass teachers can set assessment and student can be assessed from anywhere. You get your Score right on the sport.

System Uptime

oneclass is built with the best technological tools, database, standards and platforms, guaranteeing security, speed and a 99.99% uptime..

Users of oneclass 



Pupils and Students can now access education service from oneclass. It is a learning management system (LMS), a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement and assess a specific learning process. Typically, a learning management system provides an instructor with a way to create and deliver content, monitor student participation and assess student performance. For a student or pupils, It is simply learning online.


Teachers and Administrators

Teachers and Administrators can now teach online and provide lessons for their pupils and students, at same time monitor and evaluate performance status of each engagement. Typically, a learning management system provides an instructor with a way to create and deliver content, monitor student participation and assess student performance. It is simply providing education service delivery online.

oneclass web app

oneclass web app is available for any users with access to the internet on all devices. The app is responsive to accomodate any device as a learning management system. Typically, a learning management system provides virtually a juncture where pupil/students meet with an instructor or a teacher by class as a   way to create and deliver content, monitor student participation and assess student performance.

oneclass mobile app

Mobile is the fundamental device for any form of remote learning. oneclass provide a mobile systems where learning can be managed on a mobile device. This gives the user the flexibility to be able to access service anywhere, anytime. Both teachers and student can have access to educational engagement from their mobile devices. This is heavily supported by google cloud, AWS and digital Ocean Infrastructure.

Features of oneclass

access to learning online 

Student can now have full access t learning online, Quick access to all student records, access to teachers notes, videos and audios classes on key subject, using various filters. Students can now take quiz for self evaluation. This means the tutor can give test, assignment and exams unique to each student and score them according to their performance. Access to oneclass learning management system is from any location with the availability of wifi.

access to teaching online

Teachers can now teach online. The can create their videos, audios or notes and transmit it to the student within a virtual  environment of learning. Teachers can create and add objects relevant to them delivering teaching services to all students under  their care. Teachers can see all students in their virtual class. They  can score their students after assessment.

online access to educ. service delivery

All school administrators and government education managers can administer education service delivery without further bottlenecks. With oneclass administrators can now monitor service delivery at its minute level. From student participation to teachers responsiveness and assessment of the whole engagement.

Our Contacts

Our Phone Line

070 6600 4095, 070 6755 5684

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about oneclass

Welcome to oneclass!
Your top of the board learning Management Systems, It is built to make teaching and learning easier for everyone, from the littlest learners to college faculty to business leaders. Learn more about how Canvas works with your institution.

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